My boys are doing fine with the diagnose. My youngest boy, Jayden, he's a little hard to deal with. There are times he just don't understand what we are trying to tell him. We will be celebrating his 5th birthday on the 14. Yup, he's our Valentines Day baby.
Here is my big 8 year old, Tristan! He's such a good kid and a great helper!
Here's my 6 year old, Brayden. So cute and very funny!
Here's my almost 5 year old Jayden. He's a lot to handle, but wouldn't trade him for anything.
He tries so hard to be just like his big brothers, and he is very good to his baby sister. You can tell he loves her very much!
Here is our newest addition. On January 24th, Miss Brooklynn turned 6 months old.
She can make a room smile. She's our cutie pie.
Well that's it for today. I hope to back on again soon!

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