Today’s topic is
“6 ways you are like or unlike your mother.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
How we are alike:1. We both are forgiven people. People may hurt us by saying something that is very hurtful, or be used or unappreciated and we forgive them in no time.
2. We both are honest and trustworthy people. We can be count on most of the time. We also tell each other our deepest secrets and thoughts even when we can't tell them to someone else, we tell each other.
3. We both like to scrapbook. When we get a chance, it's so much fun to scrapbook together. While we scrapbook we have our mother/daughter talks, which I always look forward too.
How we are not alike:4. My mom is more outgoing than I am. If she has something to say, she'll say it. As for me, I don't. I tend to be more shy and quiet.
5. I'm 32 years old and not married with 3 children, though I've only been with 1 partner in my whole life, which we're getting married in June 2010! Mom, was pregnant when she got married at the age of 20, but she's only had 1 partner in her life as well.
6. We don't look anything alike. I resemble more of my father's side of the family.