In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
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My question is:
What can be used as an reward for losing weight?
I've been trying to motivate myself to lose weight, and thought I could reward myself every time I hit a milestone. The only thing I can think of is for every pound I lose I can buy 1 itunes download.

Been there----tossing anything with a double digit!
that would be a good reward. Or you could set a month goal and if you reached it you could treat your self to a mani or pedi or both.
That's a good idea. You could also offer yourself a "Big Reward" for each milestone. For example, lose 10 pounds and get your nails done.
Good Luck!! My Aloha Friday
A new piece of clothing or a day out pampering yourself.
I'm on a diet too (trying to lose about 20ish pounds). I've decided for every 10lbs I lose I'm getting myself a new purse. I love purses so this *should* be motivating for me. Good luck with your diet!
Geez this is a good question. I've got your other blog open to see what you are doing. I'm trying to tackle this myself. I applaud your bravery because I don't post what I weigh. lol - I won't get into that. OK a reward hmmm let's see....
itunes is good
it has to be something you really like and enjoy but don't do often. What would that be?
Anything that is special to you is a great reward. I know in WW several people did manicures and pedicures.
I found buying new clothes was a nice reward.
been there i normally allowed myself a night of freedom once a month
That is a good one. I was going to say clothes, but that could get expensive. I like the mani/pedi idea too! Have fun and good luck!
That's acutally a good idea because then you're not treating yourself to something that's going to make you put it back on. Maybe I should do that too, because chocolate isn't helping
I think rewarding yourself is a great idea and it will motivate you.
I would pick a manicure or pedicure as a reward!
For me it has been feeling better. Having more energy and enjoying exercise is something I never thought I would do.
I love your plan. I'm trying the same thing but I don't publish my weight. I'm thinking one of these days I'll publish my photo though!
Rewards...(thinking) mani/pedi's been said, clothing's been said. Maybe going to a show you've wanted to see? Getting tickets for some theater group in your area. Mix it up a little.
I am new to your blog...great question. I lost 95 pounds last year and found that treats were a big help to keep me motivated. For me i did it on 10's..for every 10 pounds I lost I got something ..usually a pedicure...
Great job on the weight loss
Good question. The things that worked for me before don't anymore lol Clothes, trips, hair cuts.. anything for yourself.
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